Reviews and media articles

Lead Poetry Editor for The Pitkin Review

Spring 2023


Review: The Ceiling Outside: The Science & Experience of the Disrupted Mind, Noga Arikha.

Times Literary SupplementFebruary 2023


On the role of youth voice in brain-based mindfulness programs in schools

“It’s time to hear what adolescents think of mindfulness in schools”

PsycheJune 2020


On cannabis and the developing brain in the public sphere

“Young brains on cannabis: Making science accessible”

McGill Reporter, June, 2020



On intersectional challenges during Covid confinement: women and care

“Who cares? The coronavirus forces us to rethink the value of care”

Ricochet MediaMay 17, 2020


On neuroscience, epigenetics and motherhood

“Opinion: Canadian mothers need a shift in the culture of maternity care”

Montreal GazetteMay 22, 2019


On critical neuroscience and the translation of neuroscience to education policy

“Making better use of neuroscience in teaching”

FRQSC Research ReportsApril 24, 2019


On pluralism, religious identity and Bill 21 in Quebec

“Opinion: Rather than Bill 21, let’s have pluralistic secularism”

Montreal GazetteApril 8, 2019


On neuroimaging, the adolescent brain and impacts of cannabis

“Opinion: Cannabis age isn’t a simple matter of neuroscience”

Montreal GazetteMarch 28, 2019


On neuroscience and its social and cultural implications

“Losing Our Heads: Neuroscience is a modern obsession worth billions. But is it the best way to understand ourselves?”

Literary Review of CanadaDecember 2016

Research Papers


Fitsch, H., Lysen, F., Choudhury, S. (2021) Editorial Reframing difference: troubling the neurobiological lens on sex and gender Frontiers in Sociology gender Frontiers in Sociology

Choudhury, S. & Wannyn, W. (2021). Politics of Plasticity: Implications of the New Science of the “Teen Brain” for Education, Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry doi: 10.1007/s11013-021-09731-8

Norrmen-Smith, O, Gomez-Carillo, A., Choudhury, S. (2021). Translation of epigenetics and neuroscience of motherhood in the online sphere. Frontiers in Sociology

Choudhury S, Aggarwal NK. (2020). Reporting Grantee Demographics for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience. 7;40(41):7780-7781.

McGowan, M. L., Choudhury, S., Juengst, E. T., Lambrix, M., Settersten, R. A., & Fishman, J. R. (2017). “Let’s pull these technologies out of the ivory tower”: The politics, ethos, and ironies of participant-driven genomic research. BioSocieties, 12(4), 494–519.

Choudhury, S., & Moore, S. (2016). Locating Risk in the Adolescent Brain: Ethical Challenges in the Use of Biomarkers for Adolescent Health and Social Policy. AMA Journal of Ethics, 18(12), 1199–1206.

Choudhury, S., & Moses, J. M. (2016). Mindful interventions: Youth, poverty, and the developing brain. Theory & Psychology, 26(5), 591–606.

Choudhury, S., McKinney, K. A., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2015). “Learning how to deal with feelings differently”: Psychotropic medications as vehicles of socialization in adolescence. Social Science & Medicine, 143, 311–319.

Choudhury, S., Fishman, J., McGowan, M. & Juengst, E. (2014). Big data, open science and the brain: lessons learned from genomics. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:239.

Choudhury S. & Sanchez-Allred. A. (2014). To speak for human nature: Cosmopolitics, critique, and the neurosciences. BioSocieties, 9: 104-109

Choudhury, S., McKinney, K.A. (2013). Digital media, the developing brain and the interpretive plasticity of neuroplasticity.Transcultural Psychiatry, 50, 192-215.

Choudhury, S., McKinney, K.A. & Merten, M. (2012). Rebelling against the brain: public engagement with the ‘neurological adolescent’. Social Science & Medicine.

Ortega, F & Choudhury, S. (2011). “Wired up differently”: Autism, adolescence and neurological identities, Subjectivity special issue on Neuroscience, 4, 323–345.

Choudhury, S. & Kirmayer, L. (2010). Cultural neuroscience and psychopathology: prospects for cultural psychiatry. Progress in Brain Research, 178: 263-83.

Choudhury, S. Culturing the adolescent brain. (2009). What can neuroscience learn from anthropology? Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience.

Choudhury, S., Nagel, S.K., Slaby, J. (2009). Critical Neuroscience: Linking neuroscience and society through critical practice. BioSocieties, 4, 1, 61-77

For a complete list of research articles visit 



Choudhury, S. & Berson. J. (2020) Liminal brains in uncertain futures: critical neuroscience and the cultural contexts of neuroeducation in L. J. Kirmayer, S. Kitayama, C. M. Worthman, R. Lemelson, & C. A. Cummings (Eds.), Culture, mind, and brain: Emerging concepts, models, applications. Cambridge University Press.

Choudhury, S., & Ferranti, N. (2018). The science of the adolescent brain and its cultural implications. In A.Gheaus, G. Calder, & J. De Wispelaere (Eds.), The Routledge Handbookon the Philosophy of Childhood and Children (1st ed.). Routledge.

Slaby, J. & Choudhury, S. (2018). Experimenting between disciplines: critical neuroscience and the situated brain.In Meloni, M., Cromby, J., Fitzgerald, D., & Lloyd, S.. Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society Meloni, Cromby, Fitzgerald and Lloyd (Eds.).

Choudhury, S. & Sanchez-Allred, A. (2016). The imperative to shape young brains: mindfulness as a neuroeducational intervention. In Pykett, J., Jones, R., & Whitehead, M (Eds.), Psychological Governance and Public Policy: Governing the mind, brain and behaviour, 1st Edition (Hardback). Routledge.

Moses, J., & Choudhury, S. (2016). A “Mechanism of hope”: mindfulness, education, and the developing brain. In R. E. Purser, D. Forbes, & A. Burke (Eds.), Handbook of Mindfulness: Culture, Context, and Social Engagement (pp. 447–458). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Seligman R. Choudhury, S. & Kirmayer L.J. (2014) Locating culture in the brain and in the world: from social categories to the ecology of mind. Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience (Oxford University Press)

Choudhury, S. & Slaby, J. (2011). Critical neuroscience – between lifeworld and laboratory. Critical Neuroscience: A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts  of Neuroscience. (ed. Choudhury. S & Slaby, J). Wiley/Blackwell. UK. 

Slaby, J & Choudhury, S. (2011). Proposal for a critical neuroscience. Critical Neuroscience: A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts of Neuroscience. (ed. Choudhury. S & Slaby, J). Wiley/Blackwell. UK.

Slaby, J., & Haueis, P & Choudhury, S. (2011). Neuroscience as applied hermeneutics: towards a critical neuroscience of political theory. Neuroscience & Political Theory. (ed. Vandervalk, F.). Routledge, UK.

Ebensperger, L. Choudhury, S., Slaby, J. (2011). Designing the lifeworld: selfhood as an architectural project. Cognitive Architecture. From bio-politics to noo-politics (ed. Hauptmann, D., Neidich, W. & Mustapha, A.K.)